I've had some people back home ask what it is that I do everyday. I don't have a job, I live on the other side of the country from any friends that have decided to stick around (which aren't many), and I'm a long ways off post. Well..here it is. It's not beautiful, it's not what I imagined at all, but it works.
A lot of times I'm up before the alarm goes off. Sometimes I manage to fall back asleep, other times I lay there in the dark wondering how in the hell I got to this point. I almost always get up with Luke, make him a sandwich and smoothie for work, and then sit on my butt for the better part of the day watching Cops, Maury, and other stupid shows when I should be cleaning or doing laundry. Some days Wrinkles gets to go for a walk, other days we play on the floor in the living room. My honey walks through the door, and I fall in love all over again. I cook dinner, and then we cuddle on the couch..sometimes.
Never in my wildest dreams did I see myself so far away from everything I once knew. I was going to finish school, I wasn't having kids until after I graduated..and I most definitely was NOT going to marry anyone in the military.
Guess what? It didn't work out how I had originally planned. I'm living in Washington..2600 miles away from everything. I'm a college dropout- twice..and I don't have a job. You know what's so great about those two things? If I didn't leave school and leave my job- there is no way that I would be with Luke. I am head over heels, butterflies in my stomach every time he walks through the door, all the cheesy things that you feel when you're younger. I still get to feel them everyday. I'm madly in love with someone in the ARMY...and we have a little boy due in August. Yes, my big plan didn't work out how I imagined it..but give me another chance and I'd do it all the same. I have everything that a girl could want.
I love you baby