07 October 2010

can google be the start of a friendship?

Well, I am completely exhausted. The more I think about it, the more I realize how crappy of a housewife I am. I don't keep the place clean. I don't always have dinner on the table. Before Ivan was here, I did. Well, the house wasn't always spotless, but at least I enjoyed cooking enough to want to have something made for Luke at night. I love my baby, but I wish he would let me set him down so that I can get things done around here. We're not even totally unpacked from moving- luckily most of that stuff is in the garage and you can't see it. I just need one really good day of cleaning to get this joint in shape, and I'll be happy...but wait! Let's bring in the poop monster. If I'm not holding him, he's crying. My dear husband will hold him and sometimes all he does is scream and cry, which tears me up- so I can't get anything done because I go to him so that I don't have to hear him wail. I don't know what it is. He'll be completely happy with me, but as soon as I hand him off, wham- the crying starts.

Maybe I should trade babysitting services with someone who will come clean my house. Wouldn't that be great?

One thing I thought was great this past week: I had started following a blog a while back, I pretty much googled for another army wife blog. I didn't say where, I just wanted a blog to follow. Well, I found one that is written by a Christian army wife. That's what I try to be, but we all know how that's worked out. Lo and behold...I could've sworn I saw her at church this past Sunday. We hadn't been in over a month, but we went, I finally got to sit down after dealing with a fussy baby for most of the service, I looked up, and there she was. How neat is that? I mean, I guess there are only so many places that the wives would be...but I mean, I googled and found this blog, so what are the chances that she would be at Ft. Lewis, even at the same service that we were at? I haven't decided, but maybe this next Sunday I'll go say hi. Maybe we'll end up friends. Probably not, but it's worth a shot.

Ivan had his 2 month appt on Tuesday- he's not a whopping 12.8 lbs. Such a little chunker! That's right at 4+ what he was at birth. 2 whole months ago..it's crazy how time flies when you're exhausted and hormonal. There was some fun in there too, but mostly sleepless nights and tears. He's actually asleep right now, so I'm going to attempt to put him down so that I can at least get a little bit of cleaning done before my head starts throbbing again.


  1. Im with you on the house. I thought my staying home would mean my house would stay cleaner and more picked up. I swear if someone came to the door right now I would say I was just the babysitter and didnt live here. That's how bad it is!!! Don't even get me started on cooking=)
    I for sure think you should meet the blogger....that is so cool. You never know where you will meet someone! The best part of Cohen in the NICU was one of the friends I made.

  2. Well I think you should totally say hi :) seeing how I bet she is totally bad with faces and couldn't even recognize her own best friend last time they saw each other ;)

    I suggest you get a Moby wrap - its $40 at babies r us but in the paper or online you can usually get a 20% coupon. Totally worth it. My littlest one is the exact same way he needs to be held and I just tie him up with the moby give him a passy and he is out like a light until I take him out or he is hungry. It also provides head support so its totally hands free and you will be able to get things done around the house.
