28 July 2010

Once again, it's been a rather long time since I've posted.

Craziness has ensued in our house, as I try to get ready for baby Ivan to show up. It's hard to believe that he's due next Friday! It seems like everyone around me is trying to get pregnant, already pregnant, or just had a baby. I was the first out of all of my "friends" back home to get married, and then surprise! There's a baby on the way!

Fort Lewis life is...boring. I don't have a job, and won't get one anytime soon- seeing as we have a baby due in less than two weeks. When we first moved up here I hooked up with a group in our neighborhood for military spouses, and didn't fit in at all. I felt like I was in highschool again.
I met a couple of people on and right off of post, and those "friendships" fell apart super fast- just like in highschool, or just like when I moved across the country. I tried to keep in touch, but over time it really became pointless.

I get along so much better with the guys that Luke works with, than I do people my own age. Yes, I'm young and married with a kid on the way. Yes, I hide who I really am, in order to make it seem like I'm happy and normal...but I'm really not. I want to have friends. I don't want to have to sit at home alone day after day after day. Making friends has always been so hard for me that I've finally given in and given up.

I can't wait until Ivan is here. I can't wait until my wonderful husband and I have a month of being together, with our new baby, and our crazy dog. I can't wait to really be a family.

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