24 April 2010

Only two months!

For whoever didn't know: Luke is leaving next week for approx. 2 months. I can handle it- it's not a deployment, I'll be able to talk to him everyday, all is well, right?
Well....I was talking to a friend this morning, she was wondering if I was going to come home- so on and so forth. I had originally planned on coming home, but right in the middle of him being gone I'll be hitting the point where I won't be able to fly anymore until baby Ivan shows his pretty face. This friend goes on to say (this is verbatim) "At least you won't have to worry about him getting killed or something." Seriously chick? I'm well aware that you started dating one of my good friends when he was on R&R a month ago, and I'm also aware of the fact that you "love" him. Right, of course you do.

Now correct me if I'm in the wrong here, but I got pretty pissed at that point. I thought some pretty mean things about this gal, I thought about telling her off, but I did show a little bit of self control, and kept my mouth shut. Maybe it didn't really register in her thick head what exactly it was that she said, or maybe she really thought that what she said was going to help me? No, I don't know what I'm going to do for those 2 months. I won't really be able to go out anywhere, I have a total of one friend- whom I hardly ever see since we live so far from post, and I mean..there's just nothing to do here. I'm turning into a whale, and I just don't have the energy to be all nice and happy like I was a few months ago.

Okay, I'm done with my pity party.


  1. a "little" self control for you to keep your mouth shut.....hmmm....

  2. LOL kerri! well you know some people don't understand what you are going through.. BUT it is a good thing that he is not deploying!

    try to stay calm, do not go into labor early because you get upset! lol that would not be good!

    if you can come home though, you should!! we msis you ! and love you!
