02 November 2010

Dog parks and landfills...

I went to a meetup today with a group called "Sound Parenting." They're all attachment parents, who breastfeed, cloth diaper, and things like that. Well, I don't cloth diaper, but Ivan is on the boob! I put on my big girl panties and walked into the group with my head held high, which is a big step for me. I'm terrified of going into groups when I don't know anyone, but they were all pretty nice. Ivan was fussy most of the time, and the only way that he would calm down is if he was eating, so that's about all he did.
We think the little booger is teething, and that's why he's so fussy, but we're not sure. Got some baby orajel tonight, so maybe that'll help a little bit. He doesn't like chewing on things, though. If it's not a boob, he doesn't want it in his mouth...we'll see how I hold up through it all.

Right now, Luke is holding the baby and they both look so content. Well, I can't see Ivan's face, but he's not screaming, and he's sitting relatively still, so I'm going to assume that he's also happy. He won't calm down for me when we're trying to put him down, so I usually just let Luke have that job! I've been so blessed with a great husband who helps out so much with the baby. I know I could've ended up with some deadbeat who doesn't do anything to help out. I mean...it would be nice to have some help with the laundry every now and then *coughcough* but I'm making it perfectly fine. I love seeing the two of them together, even when Ivan is screaming and hubby has the look on his face saying "please take him, I don't know what to do."

I need to find a new highchair for the little one. We've got one that we got at a consignment store before Ivan was born, but I was looking at it the other day, and it doesn't have the harness straps. I'm going to take it back down there to see if they'll buy it back, and then we can save up for a good one...maybe even one that matches his stroller and car seat!

There's also a new dog park that just opened up about 5 miles (if even that) away from our house. It's nice being able to take Wrinkles there- he played a lot with a GIANT Great Dane today. He really seems to like it, and it's good that we're able to just let him run around..but I can't take him alone, because I can't chase him while I'm also wearing the baby! The only bad thing about that park is that it's on top of the old landfill..which mean it stinks. It really stinks.

I hope everyone has a great and blessed week, it's time for me to go snuggle with my honey!


  1. For the record, you hate the way I fold the laundry.

  2. I just had to read this entry to find out if the dog park was finally finished, we are so excited to take the dogs there! Maybe wrinkles can come along too? Btw, awesome that you went to that meetup, I am the same way when it comes to those things, a super pansy who usually doesn't end up going lol.

  3. For real it stinks at the dog park? That sounds like a good place for digging...

  4. jamie stem hicks03 November, 2010 01:45

    I love that you love life. You are truly blessed by Luke and Ivan and I am so happy you realize it. They are truly blessed to have you too. Miss you brat. :)

  5. Hi Kerri, wanted you to know I was here! Tell Luke that the first time I tried to do laundry when I was at college, I put in enough detergent....until I thought it was enough. SOAP BUBBLES EVERYWHERE!! But I got the hang of it, and he will too! Love, Daddy

  6. Great job, Kerri. One day at a time, I guess. Sure do have a cute little one.
