06 November 2010

Duck Day.

This Thanksgiving isn't going to be a Turkey Day in our house, because I'm cooking duck. Yes, duck. At first it was just going to be the 3 of us for our first little Thanksgiving with a baby, but now we're thinking we're going to invite a couple of people over so that I don't have leftovers sitting in my fridge for a week like last year.

Walmart has these delicious smelling candles...they're the Walmart brand, but you can actually smell them. I've tried a dozen different scents from there, and none of them really "smell." Vanilla is our winner. It's like walking through a house that had yummy cupcakes in the oven, only I don't have to go through the whole baking process, I just pull out my lighter and voila!

I'm tired of being the "bad person" when it comes to saying no about things. I usually try to be very friendly until you cross me, and then I more than likely won't give you a second glance. This is where my downfall is...and why I have zero friends up here. I have plenty of acquaintances up here, just not friends. I can't stand it when people are on their high horse, thinking that they can't be knocked down..because that just gives me a reason to shoot your horse. I hate it that it's like that..but it is what it is. I will shoot your horse in the knees, just to watch you fall down. Hah.


  1. I love reading your blog, it makes me feel like I'm not the only one feeling the feelings that I feel sometimes. :]

  2. Now you know how I feel when you want to buy all the knick-knacks at the checkout line in the grocery store, and I have to tell you no. :)
