04 November 2010


It seems like all I ever do is get hurt. Yesterday I went to get my Implanon taken out, because I got a migrane about a week after I got it, and it never went away. They started with one cut and couldn't remove it, so then they sliced open the other end..that didn't work, so they made the first cut longer, and that didn't work, so they made the second one longer...then it finally popped out. Ow. At least I got 3 shots of Lidocaine!
Today we went to the dog park again. As some of you know, I had both of the nails on my big toes removed. My left toe is still pretty tender because I had it done recently..well, an American Bulldog freaking stomped it while we were there, putting a hole in my nail bed, thus making it bleed like crazy. Oh, and it hurt. Really bad.

I was also told today that someone Luke works with asked if I had ever written a blog about him, which I hadn't, as I usually blog about other things- like demanding people, people who try to tell me how to raise my child, chicks with giant boobs that hang out everywhere, and Luke- the loooove of my life. But, tonight is a special night. John Hendricks, this is for you. Thanks for going shopping with me, and putting Ivan down to sleep that night, because I needed to get out of the house, and I was at my wits end with the baby. So, I raise my glass of Hawaiian Punch to you.


  1. That hurt my toes when I read that! Ouch!

  2. Hope your toes heal fast! And isn't my man wonderful? aww...so sweet! Have a great night Kerri!
