01 November 2010

Let's be clear on something...

I want to be very clear with everyone on a few things.

1. When my child gets teeth he will not be switched to formula. I don't care if that's what you did with your kid, but I'm not doing it with mine. He might bite a few times, but it won't kill me. I'll continue doing what's best for him.
2. If you don't like my cooking, keep your mouth shut and don't eat it. I'm trying to be nice by cooking for you so that you don't have to, and I don't care if I couldn't add one TINY ingredient since my dispenser was broken and I didn't have another. The food was still good to everyone except for you.
3. Stop being so flipping demanding, otherwise you will never be around me or my child again. It doesn't matter if you don't realize that you're doing it. You are, and both my husband and I have noticed it multiple times. I won't have it in my house or around my child.

I've also had a few people come to me privately wondering if I circumcised my son or not, and then giving me shit when I told them that I didn't. Why are you so worried about it? It's very scary that you're that wrapped up in what the penis of a 3 month old looks like. By the way: that isn't something for me to take from him. If he wants to have it done when he's 18, then by all means he can. But right now, that isn't my choice. I'm not going to take something of his and not give him any choice in the matter.

I'm raising an intact, breastfeeding, sling riding, bed sharing, happy baby boy.

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